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Wavering Focus

Published on June 13, 2008

By Alec Niemi

It was old and rusty and the interior was wrecked but I saw the potential. I wanted to use it as a project for what I called ‘putts and pray’, where I could find time to be by myself, do something with my hands and have time to talk with the Lord.

I sanded and painted and tinkered and upholstered and it started to come together. But I was struggling with trying to find parts. I went on the Internet and found that there were groups of people out there with the same type of car. Car clubs, chat rooms full of enthusiasts, people who I spent hours with talking about my car. And I found myself more busy talking with these like minded people than I did with my ‘putts and prayer’. I had lost my focus. I had really wanted to spend more time praying. But by talking with these other enthusiasts I became more enthralled with the car.

And finally it was finished!! I was now the proud owner of a shiny, black, fully restored Jaguar Vandenplaus. A classic. What a beauty. Me, Alec, full of pride and self confidence. I had done it! Wow!

But somehow some of the joy was gone. I had switched my priorities. There was nothing wrong with owning the Jaguar but I had let it own me.

I drove it a couple of times and then sold it.

My prayer for you this week:

I pray that you are watching out for those people and/or things that can cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Amen.”
Romans 16:17

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Alec Niemi, an entrepreneur, lifestyle evangelist and pastor is passionate about helping people find Christ.  He lives in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.