January 2, 2025
Our Heart and our Treasure
As we allow Jesus to minister His cleansing and healing, God transforms our thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions, aligning our treasure with our heart.
Read more..As we allow Jesus to minister His cleansing and healing, God transforms our thoughts, emotions, desires, and actions, aligning our treasure with our heart.
Read more..We are told that there are things that accompany salvation (Hebrews 6:9). The things that accompany salvation are probably innumerable. Here are but a few.
Read more..Christmas Devotional about Jesus Exchanging his Life for Ours. Ephesians 3. The true gift exchange is what Christmas is all about.
Read more..If there was no spiritual instruction in the home where would the spiritual teaching come from? How do we react to 'religious nuts'.
Read more..My prayer for us this week “Lord we shout to you with joy. We worship you our Lord with gladness; and come before you with joyful songs. We know that you Lord are God. It is you who made us, and we are yours; we are your people, the sheep of your pasture. We enter yo
Read more..Do you long for righteousness but find that self-righteousness keeps getting in the way!
Read more..He was staggering along the side of the road with his thumb out hoping for a ride. My first thought was to drive on by... but instead we stopped and picked him up.
Read more..One morning a few years ago, when going for a walk, I happened to notice a boy pulling a wagon. In the wagon was a smaller boy and a bunch of newspapers. As they went along they would stop in front of each house and the bigger boy would tell the smaller boy to take a paper up to the steps of the house. At times...
Read more.."I pray that you would not be a prisoner to sin but rather have accepted that promise that was given through faith in Jesus Christ.
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