We planted an apple tree in our back yard a couple of years ago. Each year we have pruned it and watered it and it is growing nicely. Last year it had a couple of apples on it and this year it is loaded with fruit. We can hardly wait for them to get ripe. I’m Looking forward to some delicious homemade apple pie!!!
We are called to be part of God’s orchard. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. We have been designed to bear fruit. And as we stay on track with His desire and design we will be fruitful. And of course He prunes us and waters us too! I’m thinking that He is also looking forward excitedly for the fruit that we will produce.
My prayer for us this week
“Jesus, you are the vine; we are the branches. If we remain in you and you in us, we will bear much fruit; apart from you we can do nothing. If we do not remain in you, we are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If we remain in you and your words remain in us, we may ask whatever we wish, and it will be done for us. This is to the Father’s glory, that we bear much fruit, showing ourselves to be your disciples. Amen.” John 15:5-8
By Alec Niemi
used by permission
To learn more about the Spirit Filled Life visit this link:
- The Branch and the Vine – by Max Lucado
- The Purpose of Pruning – Devotional by Allan Mitchell
- Fruitfulness by Sylvia Gunter