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Get In and Get Out!

Published on March 23, 2025

A few years ago I was challenged to take up a hobby – “Something for relaxing”. “Slow down a bit”, I was told. “Do something for the simple enjoyment of doing it.”

Well, I took that advice and decided that because we live in a recreational area I would take up ATVing. So I went looking for a quad. A quad is a little four wheel off road all terrain vehicle (like a motorcycle with four wheels).

With the help of a brother I wound up purchasing several quads with the intent of selling some of them to help pay for mine. So for the last year I have been studying about quads, cleaning quads, fixing quads, ordering parts for quads, maintaining quads, changing tires on quads, selling a few quads, having a garage full of quads and always saying I’m going to go quading. I’ve done a couple of trial runs to make sure that everything is OK with the quads but I can honestly say that I have not really done any serious quad riding.

Isn’t this a bit like being a ‘closet’ Christian? By this I mean that one becomes a Christian, studies about being a Christian, learn all about what it is to be a Christian, even acting like a Christian but never getting serious enough about it to actually go out and be an active ‘witnessing’ Christian.

I think I’m either going to get out of quads or get out quading!

My prayer for you this week

Thank you Jesus for coming to us and telling us that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to you; telling us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything you have commanded us. And saying that you will always be with us, to the very end of the age. Amen and amen.” Matthew 28:18-20

Have a great week

by Alec Niemi
used by permission

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