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Take Another Look

Published on January 4, 2012

By Marilyn Ehle

So Moses thought, “I will go over and see this strange sight.”  Exodus 3:3

He had a promising beginning, but poor choices along the way detoured him from what might be called successful spiritual service. Far from family and native culture, his workdays were long with no “professional advancement” in sight.

But one day, in the middle of what might have been called an ordinary day, this man saw something extraordinary and went over to take a closer look. Perhaps his native curiosity, though dulled by years and disappointment, could not be totally extinguished. “I will go over and see this strange sight,” Moses thought. It was at this point of action that God intervened: “When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him.”

Have you felt separated from God and his love? Have you wondered if God could ever use you again? All God asks is that we “go over to look.” Take another look at God, his character, his words of promise and life. If you are willing to honestly peer again – or perhaps for the first time – at the God of the Bible, he will be faithful to lovingly call you into relationship with himself.

Thank you, Father, for never giving up on us. You gently and persistently call us to yourself. Give us faith to respond to your voice.

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