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A Fresh Start

Published on December 31, 2011

by Gail Rodgers

Kelly loved the prospect of a new year at her doorstep. It made her anticipate a fresh start.

This year she was thankful for the calendar turning. As she looked in the mirror she was reminded of some of her choices and the consequences they had brought to her life. She had some regrets this year. Yes, a clean start would feel good. She would make some resolutions and hoped, this year, to keep them.

Yet she knew herself all too well. Fear nibbled at her heart and mind as she hoped she had the courage to make the changes she needed to.

God knew the desire of her heart to change. He used a Bible verse that came in a card to remind her how to make a lasting change.

The words flew off the card and, unexpectedly, went straight to her heart…

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.Psalm 51:10

With sudden clarity Kelly knew she would not likely succeed in her hope for a change in lifestyle. No, in herself she would simply circle back to where she had been. She didn’t want that. She realized it was only God who could create a clean heart in her and give her the right attitude.

Silently she prayed asking God to forgive her stubborn independence, she asked for His help to create in her the kind of change that she needed. Only with His help could she make the turn and go the other way in her life.

God is the only true source of help when we need a fresh start. Turning to Him, asking His forgiveness and turning away from the wrong attitudes or the destructive behavior is the only way to true freedom. He can direct us to those who can help us along our pathway as we make the changes and face the challenges.

His strength, given to us on a daily basis, is more powerful than any resolution we can determine in our own heart. He will do it! We need only ask and depend on Him to act.

Father God,Thank you for Your desire for me to make a clean start. Thank you for Your forgiveness for my stubborn independence. Please create a clean heart in me. Give me daily strength to make the right choices. Renew the attitude of my mind with new thoughts and desires that will help lift me above the pull of wrong choices. Help me to follow Your pathway. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit so I can walk in a way that pleases You and in turn also refreshes me. In Jesus’ strong name I pray, amen.

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