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God’s Mountains

Published on June 10, 2016

devotional mountain
My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, My power is made perfect in you. 2 Corinthians 12:9

There are certain mountains only God can climb…..

It’s not that you aren’t welcome to try, it’s just that you aren’t able……

If the word Savior is in your job description, it’s because you put it there.  Your role is to help the world, not save it.  Mount Messiah is one mountain you weren’t made to climb.

Nor is Mount Self-Sufficient.  You aren’t able to run the world, nor are you able to sustain it.  Some of you think you can.  You are self-made.  You don’t bow your knees, you just roll up your sleeves and put in another twelve-hour day ….  which may be enough when it comes to making a living or building a business.  But when you face your own grave or your own guilt, your power will not do the trick.

Entrust all to our Savior, Jesus Christ!

By Max Lucad

From: The Great House of God
Used by permission

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