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Published on November 11, 2019

Do you ever feel like your faith and trust in God begins to waiver?

Do you feel doubt nibble at your heart and mind? It happens to all of us at one point or another through life.

Frustration and discouragement are usually the result. When that happens we often begin to neglect praying, quietly wondering if it makes any difference after all.

Sometimes gathering with other believers begins to slip by as well.

God understands how fragile we can be and how our faith can waiver. That’s why He addresses it so specifically in His word, the Bible.

Faith comes from hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
Romans 10:17 (NIV)

If we want our faith to be strengthened it is clear that we must not neglect God’s Word in our lives.

A lukewarm heart toward God’s word and a doubting mind go hand in hand.

Don’t let yourself drift away from God’s Word. Don’t let your Bible go unopened for days.

To grow in your faith you must expose yourself to God’s truths in the Bible. You can’t know what God has to say to you if you’re not in His word. When you are in a valley it is especially important to give God opportunity to speak to you.

If doubt in your God is invading your heart and mind these days, do a check. Where is your Bible? Chances are you have allowed your heart and your relationship with God to become lukewarm.
Lukewarm-ness and doubting are partners.

Spend time reading God’s Word. Start in the book of John or a Psalm a day along with a Proverb or use a good devotional book based on Scripture. Always ask God’s Spirit to open your heart and mind to receive what He has to show you. Take some time and let God know the discouragements of your heart and ask Him to speak to you. Your faith will grow as you hear and believe the Word of God.

Heavenly Father, I confess that I have left my Bible unopened and my heart has become lukewarm. Forgive me and help me to increase my faith by spending time in Your Word. Please speak to me by the power of Your Holy Spirit as I make a fresh commitment to keep Your Word central in my life. Make it real and alive to me as I seek to apply it to my circumstances today. Till up the hard ground in my heart and let the seeds of faith fall in soft soil once again. Thank you that You care about my faith. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Question: Do you ever feel like your faith and trust in God begins to waiver? How does the author suggest to overcome these tendencies?

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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