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Divine Appointment

Published on May 4, 2009

by Alec Niemi

Christian DevotionalRelaxing on a log a ways up from the edge of the Fraser River, enjoying the sun and the view of the water I noticed a couple of children walking along the edge of the water. The boy was perhaps four or five years old and the girl, maybe seven or eight. As they walked she would give him a little shove and he would go into the water. Each shove seemed a bit harder and each time the boy would go in a bit further. The slope into the water was fairly steep and the current, swift. I could see that it wouldn’t take much of a push and the boy would be in trouble.

Just as the thought struck me – it happened – the push, the cry of the boy as he slid into deeper water and the scream of the girl, realizing the boy was in over his head.

To this day I can’t explain it. Whether it was an adrenalin rush or supernatural, I know I moved faster than humanly possible. I crossed the beach to the river and grabbed the boy just as he was going under.Â

Hearing the screams, the parents looked up from where they were sitting and realized what was happening. They were too far away to do anything. By the time they got there I had already pulled the boy out. The mother quickly ran up and took the crying boy from me. The girl was crying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we were only playing.”

As she cuddled her little boy the mother looked at me and said, “Thank you, you are an angel, you rescued my son.”

I’m not sure of the ‘angel’ part but I do believe it was a divine appointment.

My prayer for you this week.

Lord I thank you that we can know without a doubt that you send angels to rescued us. Amen.” Acts 12:11

Have a great week.

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