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God’s Name in Your Heart

Published on May 8, 2009

by Max Lucado

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.� 
Proverbs 18:10 (NKJV)

When you are confused about the future, go to your Jehovah-raah, your caring shepherd. When you are anxious about provision, talk to Jehovah-jireh, the Lord who provides. Are your challenges too great? Seek the help of Jehovah-shalom, the Lord is peace. Is your body sick? Are your emotions weak? Jehovah-rophe, the Lord who heals you, will see you now. Do you feel like a soldier stranded behind enemy lines? Take refuge in Jehovah-nissi, the Lord my banner.
Meditating on the names of God reminds you of the character of God. Take these names and bury them in your heart.

          God is
                    the shepherd who guides,
                    the Lord who provides,
                    the voice who brings peace in the storm,
                    the physician who heals the sick, and
                    the banner that guides the soldier.

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Max Lucado
From: The Great House of God
Copyright (Word Publishing, 1997)
Used by permission
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