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Published on May 4, 2013

by Gail Rodgers

1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not a God of disorder but of peace…”

In this chapter of the Bible the Apostle Paul is addressing the church about orderly worship. In the midst of his dialogue on worship he makes this statement: “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace”.

This statement about God can help us, not only in understanding how to worship together, but also in every circumstance right where we walk.

Whenever you find yourself in the middle of disorder today stop … and invite God’s peace to come into that situation through you.

Disorder exists all around us. Perhaps it’s as simple as a disorderly home or papers that are in disarray. Invite God into the mess and ask for His help in creating order.

Or it may be in relationships at home or at work where drama is accepted as the norm and creates disorder of many kinds. Stop and invite God to help bring His peace through you.

Wherever you experience disorder today ask God to remind you to use it as a call to prayer. Stop and quietly ask Him to give you wisdom in the moment and to bring His peace and calm into the situation. Don’t buy into the drama or the disorder but instead respond in the opposite spirit by inviting God’s spirit of peace to come through you. He will defuse the turmoil in your own heart and mind so you can respond in ways that help foster peace.

Lord God, Thank you that You are a God of peace. Thank you for reminding me that disorder does not come from You. Today, when I encounter drama and disorder please help me to respond in Your Spirit of peace. Keep my heart in order and bring peace to me and through me. In the name of Jesus I pray, amen.

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