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Sanding off the Rough Edges

Published on October 19, 2018

“ … God’s kindness leads you toward repentance…” Romans 2:4

It’s so easy to let judgment rise up within our hearts toward one another. In little ways every day we choose to offer grace or to simply stand in judgment. When our hearts offer grace, freely received from the heart of God, we are giving out samples of the kindness and love we have received from God.

When we remember God’s kindness to us it leads us in the direction of a soft heart. It leads us to repentance and an open, flowing relationship with Him.

Then we are able to lay down our agenda with other people and set aside our desire to refrain from constantly interjecting our thoughts and instead, be “quick to listen and slow to speak”. (James 1:19)

Then we are allowing room for the Holy Spirit to minister respect and gentleness through us.
(1 Peter 3:15,16a)

God’s love, poured into our hearts in our times alone with Jesus, will enable grace to flow through us as we listen. The Holy Spirit will enter the conversations and with, or without words, minister God’s love and lead others toward Himself.

Father God, Thank you for the kindness that You have shown to me and how it lead me into repentance and into my relationship with You. Help me to be quick to offer grace, rather than judgment. Help me to be quick to listen and slow to speak so that Your kindness will draw others to You through me. I pray this in Jesus’ name, amen.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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