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Change Me

Published on March 18, 2017

Is the Lord asking you....

As I sat down in the church service my foot began to tap to the lively praise music. It was refreshing! The pastor stood and began to pray, “Oh Lord, we have come here today to be changed by you… please change us.

The words caught me off guard. I wasn’t sure I had come to be changed…encouraged and refreshed yes… but changed?? I thought about it over the next week.

As Christians we so often want God’s blessing and His strength and His wisdom…but do we willingly say “Lord, change me?” I knew I didn’t always. Yet it is the thing God calls us to… to be changed.

I thought of the worm and the butterfly. If the worm were asked, I am quite sure he would not feel the need to change, having no concept of the beautiful, flying creature he would become.

Only the Lord sees us as the finished product of what His grace can do in our lives. Only He knows the butterfly in each of us.

The Spirit of Lord works within us to become more and more like Him.
2 Corinthians 3: 18 (Living Bible)

Is the Lord asking you to let Him change you? Change is not always easy. But the joy and the reward of being transformed into the Godly person God knows you can be will surprise you and delight you. It will bring a fulfillment that is worth every effort. And God will enable you, by His Spirit, to make the changes you have put off too long.

Don’t wait any longer for God to change your circumstances, your boss, your husband or wife or whoever or whatever is holding you back. Ask Him today to change you. He promises to transform you…and you won’t be disappointed with the result!

Prayer & reflection

Father God, thank you that I can trust you. I know I need to change but it’s not easy. Will you please begin your transforming job today in my heart and mind and in my life. I give you my permission to work in me. Enable me, by the power of your Holy Spirit, to see the process and to allow you to make me into your likeness… into the beautiful creature you know I can be. Thank you for your transforming power! In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

by Gail Rodgers

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