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Published on January 17, 2024

“Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

We lived on a high ridge in a scenic area. One day I headed to town and the beautiful day lifted my spirit. Looking ahead I saw clouds blanketing the land below.

It was pea-soup fog all the way down. Later, returning home, I broke through the cloud-bank into the golden rays of the sun again as I neared the top.

That’s just the way it is in life! Life seems to be going quite smoothly–and then we hit the fog. As I went toward that cloud bank, I shifted gears and put on the lights. So when we see trouble coming we can switch to “prayer mode,” and really start talking to our Lord who is the Light! And He can bring us through.

If we face the fact that we will go through trials, we can trust God’s promise that He will work everything for our good. But if we become angry, bitter, and resentful, we’ll be miserable. Keep looking to our Lord and depending on Him, above the clouds the sun is shining–and this trial will pass.

Dear Lord, help me to keep on trusting You, no matter how thick the fog! Amen.

by Muriel Larson
Used by Permission

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Trade Anxiety for Peace by Gail Rodgers

• The Hidden Causes of Anxiety – by Charles Stanley

The Anxiety That Consumes –  by Caran Jantzen


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