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Pursuing God

Published on November 4, 2020

The demands of life can become front and center in our lives.

It is easy to postpone quiet times with God.

Will Bruce, in ‘Guidelines for Praying for Your Pastor‘ states,

life’s pressures will always result in spiritual decline unless one is careful to maintain a close walk with the Lord.”

We all experience that decline from time to time as pressures mount in our individual lives. It is because we know this happens that we strive to encourage and build each other up.

God makes a promise:

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” James 4:8

What do you need to do today to actively choose your relationship with Jesus over the many important and busy tasks that call for your attention? He longs to bring that freshness to your soul! Make a choice to become active in pursuing God.

•    Actively choose to spend time in His presence
•    expose yourself to music that inspires
•    turn off the TV and read something that will feed your spirit
•    invite Him into every decision
•    ask Him which fruit of the Spirit He wants to cultivate in your life today
•    pray in a quiet place and not just on the run
•    listen for His voice
•    read his Word and to ask Him to teach you

He will be true to His promise! He will come near and refresh your soul.

Father God, Thank you for each person You have brought to this site today. Give each one a fresh desire to pursue You. Grant them insight, wisdom and revelation from Your word as they take the time to be refreshed in Your presence. Bless them today in the powerful name of Jesus I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
used by Permission

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  1. God’s Plan – A Study on God’s Destiny for Me?
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