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The Wrestling Match

Published on August 22, 2023

She understood God loved her. She believed He had her best interest at heart. Connie never doubted His goodness. But she never knew there was an enemy of her soul. She never understood she could be armed and ready in her faith to resist him and stand firm. She didn’t understand how to be proactive in her faith, rather than just reactive in her circumstances.

Could this wall she was feeling in her marriage be more than just the seven year itch that people told her was normal? She didn’t like the irritating edges that ran between her and her husband like sandpaper these days. The arguments were so silly yet they seemed to blow out of proportion so fast. It simply wasn’t like them. She asked God for patience every day. Yet the wall seemed to grow.

Then she read it in God’s Word, the Bible. It jumped off the page.

Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.Ephesians 6:10 & 11

There was a battle going on alright and it was clear that it was not simply between her and her husband. Spiritual forces were at work. God sounded the alarm. He gave His assurance that His mighty power was enough to handle the struggle. He would equip His people.

Connie saw the unusual edginess in her marriage in a new light. When the irritation began to rise within her she breathed a prayer asking God for His mighty power to overcome the powers at work to divide her household. She saw her husband in a different light now, not as her opponent. She silently asked God to pour love for him into her heart. Connie took a stand against the devil’s schemes.

Look around your life. Is there a situation where you find yourself repeatedly struggling with another person? Do you find yourself constantly in a wrestling match which leaves you defeated and deflated? Is the reaction between you out of proportion to the grievance? Know that your enemy is not the other person. Know that the Lord’s mighty power can equip you to rise above the conflict.

Not every argument is a scheme to divide your household… but be aware when you are struggling with another person and ask God to make you strong in His mighty power.

by Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Full Armor –  by Muriel Hanson

In the Lord’s Strength – by Laura Rath

•  How to be Saved