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Published on November 15, 2021

Isn’t that amazing! God’s divine power will give you everything you need to walk through whatever life brings and with a godly perspective!

“God’s divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and goodness.2 Peter 1:3

Isn’t that amazing! God’s divine power will give you everything you need to walk through whatever life brings and with a godly perspective!

That means that through everything God will give you all you need to get through. He’s not promising riches and fame here, but He is promising you will have what you need when the waters of life rise threateningly and you wonder if you just might drown in worry, despair, or dread. His divine power will come to your rescue! But how does it happen when gloom and worry hover ominously or when restlessness overtakes your soul?

Through our knowledge of Him!

The depth of all God is for you, in this very day and in this very moment, is portrayed through His names and, as your knowledge of Him grows so does your faith. His divine power begins to work within you as you steep yourself in the knowledge of all He brings to your life to help you live in victory even in the midst of challenges.

The name of Jesus as “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace” captures it all in nutshell. Yet to continue to explore the full depth of God’s names will enrich your life in a way that will enable you to experience His divine power at work in and around you. Ponder these “broad strokes” of His character:

God is vast and real! There is nothing and no one that escapes His knowledge.

God is present! You are never alone even in the midst of deep challenge.

God is love. He doesn’t promise that your life will never be touched by the harsh realities of this world, and by the choices of others. Yet He does promise His love and His love can be trusted to carry you and to work even the harshest of realities out for your eventual good and for His glory to show the world that He is the God who cares. He is your Redeemer, the One who buys back the “train wrecks” of your life and makes something beautiful.

God is eternal. He is. He always will be. The deep call within your heart for something more, for something better, is His call within you. Because God has put eternity in your heart nothing will satisfy fully until your hand is securely in His every day as you walk the journey of life with Him.

He is God! As your knowledge of Him grows so will your faith and, as life opens up in a whole new way you will experience His divine power at work within you!

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  God is Holy….
•  God WILL take care of you
•  Salvation Explained

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