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Unless a Seed Falls

Published on September 11, 2023

Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.John 12:24

In a TV drama I recently watched, an artist sat deep in thought in front of a painting that hung in a gallery. The picture resembled two rectangles one atop the other, the bottom one black, the upper one yellow. On the horizon of the dark piece an errant bump broke the otherwise flat skyline.

The artist appeared despondent before the painting—his painting—and took out a knife to destroy it. His anguish rose over years as museum visitors ignored or derided his work. “Weird,” “dumb,” “meaningless” he heard, so he yearned to end the pain.

But today was different. A young boy approached the artist and thanked him for his art, and then handed him a “completed version” to consider. The child had redrawn the picture with one addition: the black bump sprouted a small flower. He said the bump spoke of the hope he longed for.

Jesus said similar things in John 12:24 when He predicted His death and spoke of seeds dying in order to multiply. In many respects His life was only a small black bump in the history of the universe, but down deep it offered hope for everyone. Through His obedience, and death, He provided a way for salvation and new life for all who believe. Jesus’ death and resurrection brings hope to those who lean on Him.

God, thank You for the sacrifice of Your Son, and for raising him up again. In faith I accept Your payment for my sin in Jesus’ death, and new life in You through Jesus’ resurrection. Amen.

When you see flowers today, consider them a sign of new hope through the death and resurrection of Jesus.

by Dr. Bill Strom
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• God does Big Things with Small Deeds–  by Max Lucado

A Timely Word A Devotional by Donna Mitchell

Seed Planters – What Seeds are You Planting? – by Shelaine Strom