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How to Convince Your Heart that His Arm is Not Too Short

Published on October 4, 2019

When we would have any great things to be accomplished, the best policy is to work by an engine which the world sees nothing of. – John Preston

When we can’t reach something, where do we usually turn?

To someone who’s taller. Or closer.

To someone whose arm is not too short.

Prayer is asking God to reach for something outside our grasp.

To move where we can’t.

To touch where we are incapable.

To act where all we can do is watch.

Prayer is coming to the One whose arm is never too short.

The God we approach in prayer is a God sitting on a throne—high and lifted up (Isaiah 6:1). Yet our Father who sees in secret and hears in secret and is present with us in secret (Matthew 6).

Prayer is seeking the hand of a God who can move in men’s hearts. Heal the bruised. Touch where we can’t. And protect where we would only crumble.

•         We pray to a God who is mighty in our midst (Zephaniah 3:17).
•         To a God who shows Himself strong on our behalf (2 Chronicles 16:9).
•         To the One who is our only hope and our only trust (Psalm 71:5).

We pray to a God who has a mighty, outstretched arm.

It is nothing for our God to work, to reach, to move (2 Chronicles 14:11)

It is nothing for Him to answer our prayers.

His arm is never too short, and His hand can reach even the tiniest trouble.

Pray. And watch God reach His mighty hand long and strong where we never could.

Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save;
Nor his ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1

By Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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