A neighbor left his keys in the ignition of his new truck and then locked the doors. He tried everything to get the keys out including phoning the local tow company who tried all their tools to get in. When he was asked if he had “Onstar” (the feature that allows the vehicle to be unlocked via satellite) he said that he thought it had expired. He phoned Onstar and found out that it was still active. They then tried to open the locks but nothing happened. By the time the tow truck operator had tried all his tools he had inadvertently pulled the linkage off the locks so Onstar wouldn’t work.
Finally he had the truck towed to the car dealership and they got in.
Isn’t it just like prayer? We try everything else first instead of praying first.
My prayer for you this week:
Father, you said in Proverbs 9:10, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding“. Give us a holy, fear and knowledge of you–so we can become wise and have understanding. Amen.
By Alec Niemi
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