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Moans and Groans

Published on October 7, 2023

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. Romans 8:26

Maay I huv shum juz, phleez?”

Translated, it means, “May I have some juice, please?” and it’s how I sounded for the nine days after my jaw joints were replaced in an eight-hour surgery and my jaw wired shut. I could move my lips, but unnaturally as large metal surgical braces were affixed to my teeth. During that period, my husband and I worked hard at reaching understanding. I scribbled notes on a pad, used my best charade skills and “shlurped” words through my teeth.

I realized very quickly that my communication needed to be simplified and I only attempted to convey the essentials. Bill worked hard at deciphering my strong impediment and sometimes we had to resign ourselves to “later” because I couldn’t find a way to say it differently and clearly.

I am so thankful the same is not true when communicating my needs to the Lord.

Thanks to the Holy Spirit who lives within me, my requests are brought to God. When I don’t know how to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes with moans and groans on my behalf. He makes my needs known to the Father in those life-places where distress overwhelms and I can’t even form words. The Spirit assists me when I am at my weakest.

Do you know you have an advocate in the Holy Spirit?

Thank you, Holy Spirit, that you know my inmost being and longings and take my needs to the Father.

Thought:  Quiet your heart and ask the Holy Spirit  to direct how you pray, resting in the knowledge that He will.

By Shelaine Strom
Used by Permission

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