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Short Term Happiness

Published on October 18, 2014

free devotions(The rich man said), “Take life easy; eat, drink and be happyLuke 12:19

Happy are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.Matthew 5:6

In explaining why she and her friend would not be marrying, the actress is quoted as saying, “We’ll stay together as long as we’re happy.”

Can happiness endure late night feedings and dirty diapers? Dark depression that shuts out even those closest?  Loss of money, prestige, honor?  The heartbreak of betrayal?  The hopelessness of cancer or AIDS?

There is such a thing as short term happiness, but is that what we truly want in a relationship? More importantly, is that what we want from God? Do we come to Him for what He can give or are we ready to sign on for the long haul, knowing only that He promises to never leave or forsake, to love completely, to walk with us through the fires of life, to pull us up from the swirling waters.

Short term happiness or eternal, abundant life?

God, teach me to focus on the true desires and needs of my heart and to increasingly trust all to you, amen.

By Marilyn Ehle

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