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God’s Timing

Published on July 30, 2023

“My times are in your hand; rescue me from the hand of my enemies and from my persecutors.” – Psalm 31:15

Watching the recent Olympics, I was impressed that in almost every event, timing was the most crucial element. Often fractions of a second separated a gold from a bronze medal, or even no metal at all.

It was not just the overall finishing time, but the timing going into a curve or over a mogul. May athletes after their event said: “My timing was just right,” or “I overcompensated in the first turn and my timing was off.”

I don’t know about you, but I am an impatient type of person and like things done in my own way and in my own time.

Are you waiting for God to answer your prayers right now?

This is one of the hardest parts of the Christian life for me. It is hard for me to put aside my timing and my life planning, for His.

Maybe you are waiting for God, but still things are not happening the way you hoped or expected them to. Does it seem like your hopes and dreams are never going to be fulfilled?

Sometimes it’s hard to understand why God doesn’t allow things to happen straightaway. An important lesson that I am continuing to learn each day is that God works things out in his own perfect timing.

God will work things out in your life if you trust in him. It is possible that you may have to go through certain trials and wait for his answers.

God has plans for your life. He knows everything about you. He made you. He has perfect timing for your life.

Thought: How willing are you to surrender your timetable for God’s? Do you trust Him with your life? Think about how you can better run your life on His timetable rather than yours.

Prayer: Oh, God, I surrender my life to you in every respect, not just my heart in soul, but every aspect, everyday as I live life to the fullest on your timetable and filled with the joy of knowing that you are in control.

By John Grant
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   His Timing – by Mary Pinckney

•  Speak Up – by Melissa Talbot

Letting God Lead Us – by Ashlea Massie