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The Lord is my Shepherd

Published on July 1, 2017


Read: A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing.” Psalm 23: 1

My husband stood up in the middle of our conversation, opened the back door, walked onto the landing and yelled,Taylor, come home for supper.” Reasonable perhaps, except that I was only six months pregnant with our first child! When Bill came back in the house he announced, “Yes, the name works. I like it.”

My husband knew that someday he would be shouting out that same name to a child who really did need to come home – to a boy who would respond to the voice of his dad. In the same way our Heavenly Father, also called Jehovah-Raah or The Lord my Shepherd, beckons us to Himself. Do you know the voice of the Great Shepherd?

A shepherd knows his sheep intimately and will go to great lengths to find a lost one, nurse a sick lamb back to health and protect and care for his flock. The Lord does the same for us. He leads by still waters. He restores weary souls. He feeds and guides along the right paths – all for my good, my safety and my well-being.

My role as His sheep is to listen and follow. God knows my name and is calling me to fullness of life in His fold where He provides and watches over. The Lord is my Shepherd.

Father, please help me to recognize, obey, and be comforted by your voice today.

Thought: Read and meditate on Psalm 23

By Shelaine Strom

Used by Permission

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