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How to Get the Most Out of This Day

Published on October 6, 2023

“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24

How do you feel about this day? Are you dreading it or are you looking forward to it like the psalmist is?

God has pleasant surprises tucked into this day for us but so many of us miss them because we run right past them.

Helen Keller, who was blind, deaf and mute, asked a friend who’d just come in from a walk through the park, “What did you see?

Nothing much,” she answered.

How can that be? Helen wondered. How can you spend an hour in the park and not see anything?

When she asked some of her friends to describe the faces of five people they were especially close to–what’s the color of their eyes, for instance– they couldn’t do it.

How glorious it would be if I could see for just three days,” Helen wrote. She would feast her eyes on the beauties of nature; she would stand at a busy street corner and watch the kaleidoscope of color as crowds of people hurried past; she would look long into the faces of people whose kindness had made her life worth living. Helen Keller did not get her wish. But you and I have eyes to see and ears to hear. Are we making full use of them?

Today, I want to seize the moment and glory in all the blessings that God has scattered into this day: the interesting shapes of clouds in the sky, always changing; the varied shapes and colors of leaves; the slanting sun making patterns on my living room wall. Each one speaks of  God’s presence and love.

Thank you, Father, that all the days of my life were written in your book before ever they took shape. You have a good plan and I can face this day with confidence (Psalm 139:16)

By Helen Lescheid
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• All the Days of My Lifeby Donna Mitchell

Your Days Are Written in God’s Book – by Sylvia Gunter

You Are God’s Great Idea – by Jon Walker


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