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About Helen Lescheid

About Helen Lescheid


Helen (Grace) Lescheid was born in Neuendorf, Ukraine on July 11, 1936.

Her family fled Ukraine during World War II. Her father was killed while on active duty and Helen and her mother and three siblings became refugees.
After the war, the family spent three years in Austria, then one year in Germany. When Helen was 13 the family emigrated to Canada.
After graduating from high school Helen received a diploma from Biercrest Bible College in Saskatchewan and a nursing diploma from the Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing.

In 1962 Helen married Bill Lescheid. After a missionary term of four years in Kenya, East Africa, the couple with their five children settled in Abbotsford, BC where Bill taught high school and Helen nursed part time.

As a professional writer Helen has published in many magazines and has written five books: Lead Kindly Light, Treasures of Darkness, To Stand on Mountains, Prayer: When Answers Aren’t Enough and Wonder.

Through all of life’s challenges Helen has experienced God’s faithfulness and grace. To remind herself of this she took on the name Grace, meaning “Great Riches At Christ’s Expense”. She shares these riches in her books and articles.


Helen is the author of these books: 

To Stand On Mountains

Lead, kindly light

Treasures of Darkness

Prayer: When Answers Aren’t Enough

Helen’s books can be found on 

Update:  *Helen passed away Sunday, November 1, 2020