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How’s Your Heart?

Published on February 26, 2017

daily devotional

It is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.Philippians 2:13

Do you need to renew your covenant with the Lord to seek Him with all your heart and soul? You may need to renew your commitment to Him, if you exhibit these unhealthy spiritual “vital signs” of an unhealthy heart.

– You have little hunger for the glory of God and true righteousness.

– You have allowed idols of self, self-effort, reputation, success, money, comfort, security, recreation, or image to take first place in your life.

– You feel you have nothing to repent of.

– You take pride in your religious accomplishments or those of your church.

– You are not sensitive to God’s still, small voice and cover up your spiritual dryness.

– Your heart has grown cold for the lost, and you don’t make Christ known as a lifestyle.

– You rationalize areas of personal sin while maintaining the outward image of faithfulness.

– Some of your relationships are characterized by hostility, long-term unresolved differences, or coldness.

– You spend most of your discretionary time watching television or participating in other activities of no eternal value.

– You are more concerned with what you want than what God says.

– Your giving is routine, out of duty, more or less a business transaction.

Ask God in what areas of your life He desires to work. Wait quietly and prayerfully on Him to show you.  Submit to Him in every area.

Pray, “With Your help, Father, I will seek You with all my heart and soul to bring into my life a deep and thorough brokenness, leading to genuine repentance, that my heart would be completely Yours.  I will seek You as my first Love and my Lord.

By Sylvia Gunter
Used by permission

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