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The Treasure of His Presence

Published on March 24, 2020

“You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart…” Jeremiah 29:13

Have you seen evidence of God in your life recently?

God often revealed Himself through signs and wonders throughout the Bible, and I believe He still does so today. His holiness breaks through the mundane and transforms it to get our attention — like a heavenly tap on the shoulder. It may be to tell us He loves us. Perhaps he wants to correct our path, instruct us, or just let us know He’s still watching over us. I call it the present of His presence.

Perhaps most of us will never have a burning bush experience, but He can use a variety of ways to get our attention. He may touch you with the words of a hymn. Your toes may feel a bit crunched upon by a sermon. Perhaps someone says something that perks your ears and pierces your heart. God often speaks to me through observing the nature He created. Sometimes, you just need to refocus your faith-eyes and look not at this world, but to Him who created it.

Our Lord desperately wants you to present whatever is on your mind to Him so He can become more present in your life.  Like a gift tucked way under the Christmas tree, what He wishes to give you may at first seem out of view, but if you seek it, you will find, right there, with your name written on it…just for you so you know He cares.

Dearest Lord, Thank You that You are present in our lives. Open our faith-eyes to see You in our daily, knowing that You bring the most precious gift to our day, — Yourself. Amen

By Julie Cosgrove
used by permission

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