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Thoughts By Julie Cosgrove

September 16, 2024

Good or Bad?

“And God saw that it was good.” Genesis 1:9 Decades ago, Amy Grant recorded a

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September 3, 2024

Too Bright?

The best way to lead someone to Christ may not be to blast it in their eyes, but to let it glow from within us through our acts and words.

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September 1, 2024

His Love Held Him There

One of my favorite Christian singers is the troubadour Michael Card. One song in particular,

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August 20, 2024

Go Ahead, Re-Gift It

Re-gifting - So the fact you didn’t actually pay for it shouldn’t bother you if you re-wrap it and give it away.

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July 10, 2024

Pluck It and Bag It

As I pulled the fragrant, dark cilantro leaves, I realized there were a lot more "good ones" than I originally thought. That made me sigh with relief because I hadn't wasted all my money after all. ...

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June 21, 2024

Faith or Fear

Hearing all of the bad news night after night made me want to lock my doors and never step outside again. Faith vanishes fear. Faith empowers us because we know God is in control.

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June 17, 2024

Angels In Disguise

God uses flawed and fumbling folk on earth to be His hands and feet. Sometimes we are the ones He encourages to get out there in a ministry, and at other times He graces us with others to minister to us.

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June 11, 2024

In the Rearview Mirror

My life is often seen in hindsight. When I am going through something, my focus is on the here and now. After the dust settles, then I have time to reflect. It is often then that I see God’s hand prints all over what happened.

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May 13, 2024

You Can Count on Me

Thought: Is there someone you depend on and for what? Then decide if you are expecting them to replace God’s job or not.

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May 5, 2024

Where Do You Find God?

Where Do You Find God? Just try to focus on what He has blessed you with today, not on what has gone wrong.

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