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His Love Held Him There

Published on September 1, 2024

One of my favorite Christian singers is the troubadour Michael Card. One song in particular,Why?”, brings tears to my eyes each time I hear it. He sings that no one had to nail Jesus to the cross because His love would have held Him there. Wow!

Can you picture that? Each time we bow and confess before Him, we can see Him there, compelled by love, taking punishment on for us. Every time we think we are not good enough to spread the truth about Him, His love hangs there to strengthen and correct us. Those days when we doubt ourselves, His arms stay stretched on the wooden beams so He can draw us to Himself.

John 15:13 states, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Jesus’ demonstration of love goes far beyond that measuring stick. His love held Him on the cross until His last breath, when even His Father turned away as He took on our sins. He could have crawled down. He could have saved Himself from that excruciating death. Instead, in the ultimate act of love, He hung there and saved you and me instead.

Dearest Lord, how can we fathom the depth and breadth of Your love for us? Thanks You for choosing to hang on the cross for my sake. Teach me how to go deeper in my love for You and others in response. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
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