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Rise Up

Published on March 2, 2016

devotional on rising up

why are you sleeping?” Luke 22:46

It is much easier to sleep than to stay awake and pray. Haven’t we all put our head on the pillow with thoughts to pray and have quickly fallen asleep? Especially in the face of trying circumstances, our minds and bodies tire and prayer seems optional.

Prayer was Jesus solace and strength as He faced the great drama of His dreadful suffering. Being in great agony He prayed all the more earnestly. His heart cried out to His Father in Heaven. He knew the Source of His strength and the power of prayer.

He had asked His followers to pray with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane, yet exhausted and in sorrow they fell asleep.  When Jesus found them sleeping He called to them to “rise up and pray, lest you enter into temptation”. It was not a reprimand from their loving Lord, but rather a warning.

Rise up and pray so that you can rise up with strength in the circumstances surrounding you today.

In ordinary days or in difficult and challenging times prayer is our strength. If prayer is neglected then the strength we need to rise above the circumstances of the moment will fade when it is most needed.

Father God, It is easy to neglect prayer. Please forgive me for the times I  have treated it too casually as I toss quick requests heavenward. Thank you that You draw me into times in Your presence where I can receive strength from You. Help me to take time to listen for Your wisdom, to read Your word and to let Your Spirit speak to my heart and strengthen my mind, my body and my spirit. May prayer be my solace, my comfort, my desire as I draw near to You to be fortified to rise above the challenges of my day. I pray this in the strong name of Jesus, amen.

Take Action:

– Think about what you need to rise up and pray for today?
– Do you need kind words on your lips rather than tones of disapproval?
– Do you need wisdom to know the next best thing to do?
– Do you need courage to stand for Jesus in an unwelcoming environment?
– Do you need His supernatural love in Your heart?
– Is urgent prayer needed for your family, your church, your community or your country?

Make prayer time a priority time today. Take your lunch hour to walk and talk with Jesus. Don’t wait until you are exhausted at the end of the day and fall asleep. Faith is your anchor. Talking life over with God is where you will be fortified.

Send a prayer request

By Gail Rodgers

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