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Was Blind but Now I See – Acts 9

Published on April 3, 2016

The ninth chapter of the book of Acts tells the story of Saul’s conversion.

  • In verse four we see that the Lord called to Saul.
  • In response, verse five has Saul asking, “Who are you, Lord?”
  • Verse six Jesus identifies Himself and instructs Saul to go into the city and get further  instructions.
  • We find in verse seven that the Lord blinded Saul and that he had to be led by others to the city.
  • Verse seventeen tells us that Ananias, in response to the Lords directives, prayed over Saul and his sight was restored and was he was baptized.
  • Verse twenty says that he immediately went to the synagogues to preach that Jesus is the Son of God.

From this progression of events we can see parallels for our own lives.

-God calls out to us
-We question the call
-He gives us directions for finding Him
-When we follow the directions, we receive our spiritual sight.
-We go and tell others that Jesus is the Son of God.

My prayer for us this week

Our heavenly Father, thank you for the call, thank you for allowing us to question and then giving us direction to your Son Jesus. Thank you for restoring our spiritual sight that we might fix our eyes upon Jesus and follow instructions to tell others about Him. Amen and amen.

By Alec Niemi

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