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Out of the Pit

Published on August 5, 2019

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.”  Psalm 40:2

Years ago, I fell into a season of total despair. And although I knew God was with me, the more time passed and my circumstances didn’t change, I struggled deeply with trusting Him and keeping hope alive.

Misery, confusion, destruction… these are all areas in which the enemy lurks and uses to keep us from believing that God is good and that we can fully put our hope and trust in Him.

God loves to get in our business. In fact, nothing is too messy for God. No slimy sin, vile deeds, or dreadful situations can keep God away when we turn our hearts towards Him.

Not only does our God stoop down into the muddle of our life, He delights in pulling us out. He places us on well-founded ground, established in Him.

John 3:17 says that Jesus came to save us and not to condemn us. His perfect love for us overwhelms any darkness that tries to overtake us.

Whatever pit you might be in that is trying to keep you from being secure and established, keep trusting in the Lord and wait patiently for Him. You will come out of the pit not only being more assured and confident in God, but also with a fresh and active testament to God’s amazing grace and works in your life, as I did with my situation.

Heavenly Father, I thank You that I can trust You and know that You are a good God who is always with me. I put my hope in You alone and ask that You would enter into this area of my life that I am struggling with and deepen my faith, making me more assured and confident in You. Amen.

By Brigitte Straub
Used by Permission

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