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Crying from the Cave

Published on June 13, 2021

I cry aloud to the Lord, I lift up my voice to the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaint before him; before him I tell my trouble.” Psalms 142:1

I love the Psalms because they are so genuine; you know how the Psalmists feel even if it’s ugly and seemingly hopeless.

Would you believe that the person who wrote Psalms 142:1 was described as the apple of God’s eye? Impressively handsome? A brave military leader? The next king of Israel? Yes, the writer was David as he hid in a fortified cave outside the city of Adullam. He was hiding there because reigning King Saul, enraged with jealousy and fear, was out to kill him.

If you recall, David had a few chances to kill Saul even as Saul hunted him down, but in each case David resisted, not wanting to harm God’s anointed ruler. David took the high road despite his opportunity to remove his nemesis. But this Psalm of his lets us know it wasn’t easy.

Have you been in similar situations? Are you convinced you are living for God the best you can but you still experience struggles? Perhaps it’s health issues, financial woes, or relational problems. Perhaps you feel like running to a cave to hide and scream out, “Lord, have mercy on me!” or “Why this Lord?”

Be assured that God hears your complaint. And be equally confident that God hopes for us to stick with his plan, to take the high road, to keep being faithful even when life throws us problems, injustices, and pain. Our issues are not evidence of his unfaithfulness; rather, they remind us that we need to rely on him faithfully to help us through, just as David did.

Are you crying from a cave just now? Will you trust God to sustain you amidst your challenges?

God, listen to my heart, for it cries out to You; keep me in Your hands as I struggle. Thank You for sustaining me as I choose the right path despite many tribulations. Amen.

By Dr. Bill Strom
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•   He Put a Song in My Heart
•   What Do You Want Jesus to Say When you Meet Him Face to Face?
•  Salvation Explained

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