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Dangerous Path

Published on June 1, 2021

The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you Psalms 32:8.

We were anchored at a beautiful beach in the Spanish Virgin Islands. My thirteen-year-old daughter had met a friend and they were off adventuring in the kayaks.

Upon their return, they were full of excitement, chatting about the spot they had found. After beaching the kayaks and discovering a mountain they wanted to climb, they ventured all the way to the top. They navigated their way through steep, rocky terrain covered with many different types of cactus. As they didn’t anticipate the treacherous journey they would encounter, they neglected to bring shoes.

The next day, my daughter was up bright and early, excited to take me on the same trek. With shoes on, we boarded the kayaks. Once ashore, we began the excursion up the mountain for the spectacular view. Not long into the journey, we looked just five feet over and saw a well-traveled trail. She couldn’t believe her eyes: a trail with no jagged rocks or thorny cactus. Just a slight alteration to yesterday’s route, and they could have spared their feet such agony.

How many times do I find myself in parallel situations? If only I had consulted the Lord before retaliating with my tongue. If only I had remembered God’s word about being a servant. What about the times I deliberately choose not to follow my husband’s lead because I want something else?

How many times conflict could have been avoided if I spoke to Jesus first and recalled what He has taught me in His Word. Seeking the path He has laid out for me in scripture, rather than forging my own way, will protect me and the relationships with those around me.

Spectacular view from the top. Follow the map.

Thank you Jesus, that you have given me an exact map for my travels in life. Thank you that Your Word provides all the answers I will ever need. Please help me to look to you before making any decisions or course changes in order that I do not wander away from your plan for my life. Thank you for making your direction clear to anyone who looks for it. Amen.

By Corice Peters
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Feelings, Forgiveness and Peace | by Dr. Muriel Larson
•  The Power of Forgiveness | by Dr. Henry Brandt
•  Salvation Explained

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