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Bookend Your Day!

Published on May 31, 2021

“It is good to praise the LORD, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High, to proclaim your loving devotion (kindness) in the morning, and Your faithfulness at night.” Psalm 92:1-2

Even before your feet hit the floor in the morning you can begin to set your day up for success. By turning your first thoughts of the day toward the Lord, you can set your mind and heart in a direction that will support you as your day unfolds.

It doesn’t mean everything will go as you hope. Life just isn’t like that most days. But it will mean your mind will be set to see the goodness and kindness of God as you walk, even in challenging places.

Pause as your eyes open and the thoughts of the day begin to form in your mind.

  • Thank the Lord for caring about you and your family. He does!
  • Be reminded that nothing is beyond His reach.
  • Thank Him for His loving devotion to you. Ponder that! God is devoted to you!
  • Ask Him to open your eyes to see His loving kindness today.
  • Ask Him for His strength in the difficult things and His wisdom in the confusing.
  • Ask for Him to guide as you watch for Him during the day.

Then in the evening, as your head hits the pillow, pause again.

  • Review your day. Recall the moments when His loving kindness was there.
  • Celebrate the small places where His love shone through.
  • Thank Him for His faithfulness. He is there. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
  • Ask Him to remind you in the morning to pause again as your day begins.

Bookend your day with a focus on where our true help comes from. It keeps us out of the shallow well of “self-help” and brings us to draw from the well that never runs dry.

Dear God, Right now I want to stop and invite You to help me see Your loving kindness today as You walk with me. Remind me tonight, to pause and thank You for all the little places I felt Your faithfulness and saw Your care. Thank you that You are with me every step of this day. May I treasure Your presence and watch for Your care over me. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

By Gail Rodgers
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  What a Friend we Have in Jesus
•  Hope for the Hopeless
•  Salvation Explained

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