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Accepting the Life You Didn’t Expect

Published on May 3, 2022

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.Philippians 4:12-13

“God, when is it going to be my turn?”

I’ve asked that question more times than I can count. I’ve watched over and over as people close to me have gotten married and started their families. I’ve cried and wondered what was wrong with me. My heart has been broken over relationships I thought might be the one for which I was waiting.

I spent many years struggling with being single. My mind and my heart seemed constantly restless. Then, somewhere along the road, it got better. As I pursued and obeyed God, He opened my eyes to the blessings I have right now.

The Apostle Paul knew what it was to live a life he never planned. Paul was educated as a Pharisee (a very learned Jewish leader of the time). He was well respected, even feared. Paul was also a Roman citizen with all the perks that came with that. He was a powerful man in the early days after Jesus’ crucifixion. Acts 7:58, 8:3, 9:13-14

With all that he had going for him, one encounter with Jesus on the Road to Damascus changed everything. He went from privilege to hardship. He embraced a completely different life and learned how to be content, no matter what. His peace came through the strength Christ gave him.

We all struggle with life’s circumstances. Very few of us have the life we imagined when we were young. But, like Paul, we can find our peace in knowing that God is in control and that His plan for us is perfect.

Lord, I am struggling. I want to be okay with my present circumstances but I can’t get there. I admit I want something else. Show me how to be at peace. Amen.

By Debbie West
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

God’s Sufficiency Exceeds Our Need – by Sylvia Gunter

God Provides for His Own

•  Salvation Explained

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