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Thoughts By Debbie West

July 12, 2024

Compelled by Love

Is serving God your obligation or passion? I was sitting alone in a hotel room in Rome, thinking to myself, “Why am I here?” I grew up believing that in order to be a good Christian, I needed to do certain things.

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June 29, 2024

Kindness to a Thief

No one wants to be in relationship with someone who they think disapproves of them. No one wants to know a God they think will zap them at every wrong move.

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December 1, 2023

The Teacher’s Voice

Be conscious of where your mind goes today. direct your thoughts back to God and His Word.

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November 17, 2023

Capture Our Thoughts

“If I don’t think about everything that makes me anxious, what am I going to think about?” I asked my counselor. I had to laugh at hearing myself ask the question out loud.

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September 26, 2023

Humility Toward Each Other

What do you do when you hear that someone was hurt by something you did?

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March 6, 2023

Why Don’t You Ask

Relying on God takes practice. Seeking Him daily through prayer and asking for what we need for the day means we must trust Him to provide. As we learn to trust in His daily provision, the anxieties of our own efforts are lessened.

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February 24, 2023

Transforming Power

My own power is inadequate to make the changes I want to see in my life. But the amazing power of the Spirit in me can transform me into someone who looks and acts more like Christ. As a result, I can live the abundant life he promised.

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February 15, 2023

Be In the Moment

Lord, help me not give in to fear when speaking about you. Give me confidence in the Spirit’s ability to give me the right words to say at the right time. Amen.

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February 7, 2023

Talk is Cheap Love Is Priceless

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.” 1 Corinthians 13:1

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September 25, 2022

Freedom in the Truth

Anger is often a masking emotion. It usually masks fear, disappointment or any number of other emotions.

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