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Thoughts By Debbie West

July 18, 2022

The Snare of Seeking Approval

Through God’s restoring power in my life, I have more peace and less anxiety. I’ve learned that He loves me as I am, imperfections and all. He will guide me if I take the time to be still and listen to His voice.

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June 26, 2022

Called to be What He Made

Like a piece of art reflects the heart of the person who made it, we reflect the heart of God.

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May 3, 2022

Accepting the Life You Didn’t Expect

PRAYER: Lord, I am struggling. I want to be okay with my present circumstances but I can’t get there. I admit I want something else. Show me how to be at peace. Amen.

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September 20, 2021

Lessons from the Wind

Whether you are in a storm, coming out of a storm, or going into one, consider that part of the purpose may be to make you stronger and to prepare you for something in the future.

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August 16, 2021

Practice the Present

God promises throughout His Word that He has got our future under control and has amazing plans for us. He knows our past and can use it for great things. Our focus needs to be in the present. Here. Right now. This moment. Today, I can enjoy His presence anxiety-free and experience His blessings, while leaving the future and the past to Him.

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February 20, 2021

God’s Delight

God delights in a heart that is devoted to Him. Prayer: Lord, help me grasp the truth that your greatest delight is not in what I can do, but in my devotion to you. Amen.

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January 3, 2021

Anticipate God’s Goodness

I am confident of this: I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13 Thought: Change your focus. Decide to believe that good things are on their way. Say this out loud: “I will see the goodness of the Lord".

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October 31, 2020

Steadfast in a Fearful World

God never defaults on His promises. He never walks away. He never gets it wrong. God’s Word tells us that He is a rock when everything else we may put our trust in is sand.

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September 3, 2020

Risky Business

Really, deeply, openly loving another person can be scary.

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September 1, 2020

Be Thankful for Weakness

Power is sexy. We live in a world that admires strength and pities weakness. Fortune 500 companies, movie stars, and politicians all have some level of power over our lives. Some athletes have the physical power to dominate their opponents. We often celebrate and admire the power they all have.

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