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Steadfast in a Fearful World

Published on October 31, 2020

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

There are a lot of angry people out there these days. I see it all over the media. People are upset over perceived betrayal, injustice, and prejudice.

I think some of the anger is justified. We are, after all, a world made up of imperfect people. But I have learned that anger is a masking emotion. Anger covers over other issues brewing deeper within us. Probably the most common feeling that anger attempts to disguise is fear. When our confidence in the things we trust is shaken, we get scared, and we get angry.

When we trust the doctor to make a correct diagnosis, but our loved one doesn’t get better, fear sets in. When the job we were counting on falls through, we panic. When the spouse on whom we put our trust walks out, it shakes us to our core. Where there is fear, there can be no peace. It is difficult to look past the things we see around us and trust that everything is going to be okay.

God, however, never defaults on His promises. He never walks away. He never gets it wrong. God’s Word tells us that He is a rock when everything else we may put our trust in is sand. He is able to move the mountains and part the waters ? for our protection and safety. When we make up our minds to depend on God and His provision for our lives, despite our circumstances, He sets our minds at perfect peace.

Lord, if I am depending too much on my ability and circumstances to bring me peace, help me train my mind to put my trust and dependence on you. Amen.

By Debbie West
Used by permission

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