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Life Support

Published on October 30, 2020

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.”  Psalm 54:4

It felt like someone pierced me in the eye with an ice pick. The tree I’d cut down spewed sawdust into my left eye. I scrambled to dislodge the debris. Despite irrigation and eye drop applications, my condition grew worse. My heart filled with trepidation at the thought that my vision might be seriously compromised.

After a risky solo drive to the hospital and a short wait in its emergency department, I was evaluated by a doctor. Her verbal cues, while examining my eye, were unsettling. Half of my cornea had sustained a serious lesion.

Upon getting a prescription, I made the equally harrowing drive back home while crying out to God for help — to get me home unscathed and to prevent any vision loss. As much as the pain was unbearable, I felt an uncanny reassurance as I began the round of antibiotics and drew on God’s strength to wait for relief from the discomfort.

During this time, God carried me through. His peace sustained me even amidst my detrimental thinking. A follow-up brought an entirely different set of verbal cues. The damage turned out to be superficial, the eye was healing perfectly, and my vision would be unaffected. I blurted out, ‘Praise the Lord!’, and thanked the doctor, repeatedly, for the encouraging report.

David’s acknowledgement of his Sustainer, In

Heavenly Father, thank you for providing everything and everyone I need in my situation. Thank you for being my divine, sustaining help. It is in Jesus’ name I praise you. Amen.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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