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Thoughts By Melissa Talbot

June 19, 2024

In The Darkness

Navigating your way in a dark room can be a bit daunting, even if you know the room well.

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January 12, 2024

In Time

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

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October 20, 2023

He Will

I never had the confidence to take on things that scared me until I came into a relationship with God.

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September 25, 2023

A Sobering Sacrifice

What does obedience mean to you? Are there any areas in your life which may require a greater obedience?

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February 22, 2023

Pass or Fail?

As a Christian, I’m noticing the tests not only continue but they are overtly intense at times, pushing me to spiritual limits.

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November 12, 2022

What Sparks Encouragement?

The Lord sprinkles encouragement throughout his holy pages to keep us going when life tries to strike against the hope we have in Jesus.

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November 2, 2022

Forgive or Forget?

Ask yourself, are refusing to forgive someone? If so, pray that God would soften your heart and empower you to forgive them just as Christ forgave you, and then thank him that the Holy Spirit does just that.

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October 7, 2022

Identity Crisis

Throughout our Christian lives, we will encounter times when we believe our identities to be in crisis but that never moves the Lord from his place of majestic reign.

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September 17, 2022

Speak Up

If you are someone who is fearful of sharing your beliefs with others, read and meditate on the truth of today’s verse,

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June 24, 2022

Panic Button

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.’ Philippians 4:6

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