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He Will

Published on October 20, 2023

“The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” 1 Samuel 17:37 

Confidence can be dangerous.

During the challenging and overwhelming circumstances we encounter, confidence can lead to arrogance and pride. It can also deaden our intrinsic need to rely on and trust in God. That can thrust us into a scenario we are completely unprepared to face. Such was not the case with David.

While tending sheep, David had been experiencing the sovereign power of the Lord and an intimate relationship him. This season of encountering God’s faithfulness and protection fortified David’s faith and prepared him for what lay ahead — facing the mammoth Philistine named Goliath.

David was so confident of his God’s providential prowess. He declared it out loud in the verse above, believing he would be successful over the towering giant who challenged the Israelite camp. David’s faith in action enabled him to kill Goliath with a single stone to the forehead. He acknowledged that it was God who deserved the glory.

I never had the confidence to take on things that scared me until I came into a relationship with God. It was only then that, through my experience of God and encouragement from him, I was able to take on whatever life threw at me. Time and again, those victories have brought me to a place of humility. Because I recognize my need for God’s help, I can live out a faith that’s evident to others.

You can have this right kind of confidence, too. Draw near, rely on his power, and dispel your fears.

Heavenly Father, I can’t begin to count the times when I was afraid to try something, but it was you who gave me the credence to go forward in faith and tackle the scariest of things. May my faith continue to be active, no matter what I encounter, and my confidence be firmly rooted in you. It’s in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Have you ever taken glory for your own confidence in a situation when it was God who was central in the victory? Take to heart and meditate on the words of David, making them your own as you continue to live a life of active faith.

By Melissa Talbot
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Confidence in the Lord –  by Charles Spurgeon

Character Defect –  by Veda Lucas

Calm and Confident – by Mike Woodard