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Faithful to Your Man

Faithful to Your Man

“…to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God” (Titus 2:5).

Lately I have been thinking about my mother-in-law – Ella Renetta Kehler. She was a good woman, faithful to her God and to her husband. She and Dad were married for over 60 years. She died at age 83.

For almost 17 years of their marriage, Dad was in a long-term-care hospital. He had a brain tumor that caused a lot of brain damage before the surgery. After the surgery, he became like an infant and needed total care.

For 17 years, Mom went to see him six days a week. She only agreed not to go the seventh day because her children insisted she needed a day of rest. She wouldn’t ever take a vacation. She loved Dad (not only endured him) and was faithful to him until she died.

She was a model and example of faithfulness.

What are the secrets to “sticking” with your man?

  • Keeping your wedding vows
  • God’s power
  • Total commitment

I am in love with my husband and I am in love with God. There have been rough times during our 58 years of marriage – we are both very strong and independent. God burned the verse Titus 2:5 in my mind one day after I had first surrendered the control of my life to Him.

“…to be kind and be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

This verse has kept me from listening to the Tempter’s whispers and lies. I no longer entertain thoughts about leaving Marvin. You see, I love and respect God so much that I don’t want anyone to malign or think less of Him because I haven’t kept my vows. God has always helped us to be faithful to each other.

My mother-in-law set an example of “sticking with your man” to all women who knew her.

Father, You formed the family. Thank You that You will also give us everything we need to be faithful to our husbands. You promised that there would never be a temptation without which there would also be a way of escape. You always keep Your promises. Thank You! Amen.

by Katherine Kehler

Note: I am keenly aware that because of abuse, there are times a wife needs to leave her husband. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship, I urge you to seek wise counsel.

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