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The Pot of Prayer

Published on November 17, 2017

I will go to the altar of God, to God who is my joy and happiness.
Psalm 43:4

Let’s say a stress stirrer comes your way. The doctor decides you need an operation.
She detects a lump and thinks it best that you have it removed. So there you are,
walking out of her office. You’ve been handed this cup of anxiety. What are you going
to do with it? You can place it in one of two pots.

You can dump your bad news in the vat or worry and pull out the spoon. Turn on the fire.
Stew on it. Stir it. Mope for a while. Brood for a time. Won’t be long before you’ll have a
delightful pot of pessimism.

How about a different idea? The pot of prayer. Before the door of the doctor’s office
closes, give the problem to God. ‘I receive your lordship. Nothing comes to me that hasn’t
passed through you.” In addition, stir in a healthy helping of gratitude.

Your part is prayer and gratitude. God’s part? Peace and protection.

By Max Lucado
From: Come Thirsty

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