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How Dare He?

Published on October 17, 2023

A local Christian radio personality relayed how she was driving down the road when a cop flashed his lights and motioned her to pull over.  She admitted her blood pressure rose and her teeth clenched because she wasn’t speeding. How dare he?!

Then he told her that around the blind curve was a huge obstacle in the road and the road was very poorly lit. At highway speeds, she’d have careened into it. Other policemen were removing it now. Would she mind waiting about ten  minutes.

After she sputtered and nodded, the officer jumped in his car, and with lights flashing, swirled around to block the road for the oncoming vehicles behind her. She publicly thanked the policeman on the radio and apologized for her initial reaction.

It made me wonder how often God blocks my path and I grouse out about it. How often does He detour me from danger and I complain because things are not happening “my way“? How often were those irritating moments that delayed me –like the cat hacking a fur ball in my shoe just before I went to slip it on, or a button snapping that I have to quickly repair, or the moving van blocking my exit from my apartment complex for a few minutes– actually work to my advantage without me knowing it?

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Lord, forgive me. Let me publicly say thank you to You for putting obstacles in my path and delays in my day. Thank you for the story on the radio today that stepped on my spiritual toes a bit. Next time, I will try to be more patient and praise You in all circumstances. Through Your Son and by Your Spirit I pray, Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Waiting God’s Way –  by Kathy Cheek

Willing to Wait for God’s Way by Charles Stanley

Show Me Your Ways – by Phil Ware


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