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The Strap

Published on September 8, 2018

Each one will be like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm…Isaiah 32:2

Years ago there was a movie about a mega tornado. The couple tried to outrun it, but finding they couldn’t, instead wrapped a leather strap around a pipe anchored deep in the ground and held onto it for dear life. As the tornado passed over them, they were able to peer into the calm, peaceful center. Both stared in awe at the inner beauty and tranquility as the straps held tight and saved them.

To me, this scene describes the Christian life. We don’t have to try and run from the situation barreling down upon us. That rarely works, does it? Isaiah 32, talks of the kings God will send to reign over the turmoil in the lives of His people. Today, we have direct access to the King of Kings. Though the storms rage in our lives, we can anchor ourselves to God’s truth and love as found in Scripture. We can grab onto the strap called faith and secure it to Christ, our foundation. His steadfast love can help us weather anything that comes along, as long as we cling to Him.

As in the movie, in the midst of the turmoil, we may glimpse an inner peace and calm in the center of all the chaos. We might actually, for a brief time, witness the majesty of His power and the beauty of His purpose. It is a time to take a breath and, in awe, realize God is with us, no matter what. He truly is our refuge and strength in the midst of trouble, as the psalmist says.

Dearest Lord, let us strap ourselves to you. Anchor us in faith and help us to cling to your love, no matter what swirls around us. And in the midst of it all, be our refuge and allow us to glimpse your majesty and purpose to bolster us and encourage us to hold on. May it bring us peace. Amen.

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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