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Yielded Heart

Published on June 21, 2023

Why is it so hard to surrender and yield to a high and Holy God, who is our Abba Father?

To relinquish control to someone or something;
To give something up to someone else;
The opposite of being in control or in charge.

Yes, it’s a hard thing to do; but when it’s done, surrender yields a sweet reward of intimacy with the Lord. The relationship between Father and child becomes knit together in strength, trust, and love. That’s when we learn to trust God’s ways, not ours. That’s how we tune our hearts to an obedient walk and choose to press in close for all He has for us as He leads and guides our lives. We gain much more than we lose when we give our lives in total surrender to our Heavenly Father and Lord.

There lies a constant risk of danger when we live unto ourselves and our own ways, and not unto God and His ways. A life lived unto ourselves becomes a painted target for Satan. Any part of our hearts not surrendered to the Lord is the enemy’s for the taking, and he will most certainly attack those vulnerable places.

That’s why it’s so vitally important to give ourselves completely to our God, submitted and yielded, fully surrendering every part of our hearts into His hands. The attacks still come, but He is our strength and shield when we’re yielded to Him. He is the power that can overcome anything the enemy brings against us—if our hearts are wholly surrendered to Him.

As believers, we are privileged to follow the Lord in our journey. By faith and obedience, and because we love Him and know we are loved by Him, we seek His ways, we draw close, and we keep our eyes on Him. We listen for His voice and we follow where He leads. Our yielded hearts understand that a surrendered life is a life walked hand in hand with the Lord.

Show me Your ways, O LORD;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day. ~Psalm 25:4-5

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

•  Grace to Keep on Yielding –  by Katherine Kehler

•  YIELDING – by Karen Huffacker

•   A River Runs Through Me – by Mike Woodard