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Is it All about Money?

Published on January 24, 2020

“‘One thing you lack,’ he [Jesus] said. ‘Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ At this the man’s face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth.”
Mark 10:21-22

This story used to confuse me. The young man had tried to follow the Ten Commandments. So why does Jesus discourage him by telling him he has to give away all he owned? Are we to do that as well?

I have heard a few stewardship sermons lean in that direction, but that doesn’t sit right with me. On the other hand, modern prosperity preaching that claims good Christians will receive riches galore as a reward doesn’t sound correct either.

Now, having lived life a lot more, I get it. Jesus knows where our priorities lie. Wealth meant the world to this young man. It was his status symbol and probably a source of pride since he’d achieved riches at such a young age. A biblical Bill Gates.

Jesus actually asked him to release his pride. The first commandment states that we should not put anything above God. So when the young man said, “All these I have kept since a boy” (Mark 10:20), Jesus knew the guy was mistaken. He had broken the very first one.

What if Jesus asked you to give up your prize possession, be it something material, another person, or perhaps an attribute? Remember everything belongs to God anyway. He has blessed you with all the things you cherish and the means to achieve them. It’s all in your attitude. The first step is to hand everything to him in faith and let him show you how to utilize or treat each one.

“Dear Lord, help me to place my priorities in your capable and loving hands. Everything belongs to you and I am just a steward of it. Help me to use what you give wisely and to the benefit of others before it becomes a source of pride for me. Amen.”

By Julie Cosgrove
Used by Permission

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