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Accepted in the Beloved

Published on February 3, 2020

“… to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.”  Ephesians 1:6

After being on the mission field in China for 15 years, Hudson said in a letter to his mother, “I continually mourn I follow at such a distance and learn so slowly to imitate my precious Master. I cannot tell you how I am buffeted sometimes by temptation. I never knew how bad a heart I had. Yet, I do know that I love God, and love his work, and desire to serve him only in all things…often I am tempted to think that one so full of sin cannot be a child of God at all…”

I don’t think Hudson Taylor was enslaved to some horrid sin. I think as he grew in his intimate relationship with God, he grew in his hatred of sin and despised even the hint of it in himself. Yet, he struggled because of his perception of being a servant of Christ. Eventually, Hudson rejoiced in the finished work of Christ, realizing as he said at the end of his letter, “I rejoice in the riches of his grace that has made me accepted in the Beloved.”

If we have fallen somewhere along the way, if we’ve not trusted him, if we’ve wanted our way more than his, let’s do as Jesus instructed Peter (John 21:15-23). Let’s share what we know. God has taught us that when we blow it, we have the opportunity to be real and teach others how we’ve handled circumstances in our lives. Let’s allow God to use us where we are as he continues his sanctification process.

Precious Lord, as my sin becomes magnified in comparison to your perfection, let that fact draw me closer to you instead of pushing you away. Let me realize you reveal a sin in me so you can help me deal with it once and for all. Thank you for your gracious mercy. Amen.

By Veda Lucas
Used by Permission

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